I unpacked some of my gear to get ready for bed. We had been asked to bring our own sleeping bags for our bunks. They had to be able to withstand temperatures of -20C. I rolled out my bag and studied my coffin-size bunk, figuring that if and when the seas did get rough, this was probably the last place I’d want to be.
After all the crazy ups and downs from my last entry, I finally arrived at the port in Ushuaia and immediately found my crew and my bags! It felt like absolute glory. I was exactly where I needed to be, on time with a newfound appreciation for the adventure ahead.
See this girl who was all smiles when dropped off at the airport? Ha. Well that was the look of naive bliss! That was before I found out that what was supposed to be a day full of flying and embarking on my journey to Antarctica, would soon turn into ultimate and utter chaos.
I once entered a dive tournament and won a horse. The horse, Spirit was never really meant to be a prize but belonged to the people who hosted the tournament and when they saw him following me around and saw how much we bonded they asked me to adopt him because they were moving to another country and couldn’t bring him with. I had no experience with horses and lived in Honolulu with nowhere to keep a horse...
The city of San Sebastian, Spain is an all encompassing, eclectic destination that I recently had the pleasure of visiting. Justin and I traveled there to take part in the annual San Sebastian Film Festival and though we were there to show our work, it felt like a romantically rich vacation -long overdue for both of us. And we surrendered to being unexpectedly swept into the most joyous whirlwind of pure delight.
Traveling. I think I’m addicted. I’ve come to realize that I’m a stimulation junkie. I don’t at all consider myself a dare devil or one who is always in search of a constant adrenaline rush, I just like being stimulated. Whether through reading, writing, art, delicious flavors, good conversation, exploration or high adventure, these things awaken my senses. They tickle my brain cells, make my body buzz and leave me smiling from the inside out.